You Said What?

Illustration of George Washington and his father after George chopped down the cherry tree

Did George Washington Say, “I Cannot Tell a Lie”?

Did George Washington Say, “I Cannot Tell a Lie”? It’s unlikely anyone ever heard George Washington say, “I cannot tell a lie”. If he did  say it, he was lying. Ironically,  disinformation was Washington’s superpower.  Without his sophisticated intelligence gathering strategies and the seeding of disinformation, it’s very likely that the American Revolution would have failed …

Did George Washington Say, “I Cannot Tell a Lie”? Read More »

George Bush in front of US Flag

Don’t Mention the War!

Don’t Mention the War! On February 19th, 2002, during the first stop of his Asian visit, President George W. Bush addressed The Japanese Diet. He appeared to have forgotten World War II when he made the following remarks: “My trip to Asia begins here in Japan for an important reason. It begins here because for …

Don’t Mention the War! Read More »

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