Alec Guinness and James Dean: The Premonition

Alec Guinness and James Dean met by chance in September 1955. Guinness would later claim that he had a premonition that the young actor would be killed in his Porsche 550 Spyder and that he’d cautioned Dean not to get into the car, warning him that he’d be dead within a week if he did.

James Dean

Celebrities have been known to make all manner of wacky claims. But, when an actor as apparently solid and sensible as Alec Guinness made such an off-the-wall claim, people sat up and took notice.

In recent years, there have been efforts online to conflate Guinness’s premonition with his Star Wars persona. Yet, it seems Guinness was not given to flights of fancy. In fact, he once dismissed Star Wars as ‘fairy tale rubbish’. (Reid, 2003, p. 504)

Moreover, in a 1977 BBC interview, Guinness was quick to tell Michael Parkinson that he’d had no similar experiences prior to his encounter with Dean.

The Chance Meeting

In September 1955, Guinness arrived in Los Angeles after a long-haul flight from Copenhagen. Exhausted but hungry, he agreed to have dinner with Thelma Moss, an actress and screenwriter with whom he had worked.

After being turned away from a number of restaurants because Moss was wearing trousers, they went to a less formal Italian restaurant, Villa Capri in Hollywood. Yet, they were turned away from that restaurant as well because there were no available tables.

As they walked away from the restaurant, Guinness heard the sound of “running, sneakered feet” behind them. He turned and found himself face to face with James Dean. “You want a table?” Dean asked. “Join me. My name is James Dean.” (Guinness, 1985, pp. 34-35)

At the time of the chance encounter, Guinness had already received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor in The Lavender Hill Mob, and (although it hadn’t helped in the restaurants) he was quickly noticed by the younger, method actor. On the other hand, it seems that the older, classically trained, British actor had not recognised James Dean. Of Dean’s three great movies, only East of Eden had been released.

Hungry and grateful, Guinness and Moss readily followed Dean. Before they reached the restaurant, Dean turned into a car park and said, “I’d like to show you something.” It was a silver sports car wrapped in cellophane and tied with a ribbon. (Guinness, 1985, pp. 34-35)

“It’s just been delivered,” said Dean “I haven’t even driven it yet.”  Guinness thought the car looked “sinister”. “How fast is it?” he asked. “She’ll do a hundred and fifty,” replied Dean. (Guinness, 1985, pp. 34-35)

Guinness Recounts His Premonition

“Exhausted, hungry, feeling a little ill-tempered in spite of Dean’s kindness, I heard myself saying in a voice I could hardly recognise as my own, ‘Please, never get in it.’ I looked at my watch. ‘It is now ten o’clock, Friday the 23rd of September, 1955. If you get in that car, you will be found dead in it by this time next week.’” (Guinness, 1985, pp. 34-35) (BBC Interview, 1977)

“Dean laughed. ‘Oh, shucks! Don’t be so mean!’” he replied. (Guinness, 1985, pp. 34-35)

1977 BBC Interview: Alec Guinness (2:41 minutes)

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The Accident

The following Friday, Dean was driving his new Porsche, dubbed the ‘Little Bastard’, from Los Angeles to a road race in Salinas. With him was his mechanic, Rolf Wütherich.

Late in the afternoon, a 1950 Ford Custom Coupe driven by Donald Turnupseed turned left in front of Dean’s vehicle leaving him no time to take evasive action. The Porsche was travelling at speed when it struck the Ford almost head-on. Dean was fatally injured. Turnupseed and Wütherich survived the wreck.

A Legend is Born

When Rebel Without a Cause was released a month after the accident, James Dean was posthumously elevated to superstardom, and his status as the moody and rebellious icon of popular culture was ingrained with the release of Giant the following year.

Sadly, James Dean died without ever knowing how famous and influential he would become.


  1. Read, P. (2003). Alec Guinness. 1st ed. London; New York: Simon & Schuster, pp.262-263, 504
  2. Guinness, A. (1985). Blessings in disguise. 1st ed. New York. Random House, pp.34-35.
  3. BBC TV. (1977). Alec Guinness Interview. Parkinson. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 April. 2019].

10 thoughts on “Alec Guinness and James Dean: The Premonition”

  1. This is really a weird fact and actually interesting to read on. I would want to know if any findings were made that has a one-to-one connection with what Guiness stated and how Dean died. Right now I’m somewhat confused. Is Guineas a seer or a prophet or it was a mere coincidence? As weird as this is, I really would love to know the whole details

    1. Thanks for your interest in my post, Roddarick.

      As far as I can tell, the only people who heard the prediction first-hand were James Dean and Thelma Moss – the actress whose trousers had caused so much concern.

      However, Dean’s best friend, Lew Bracker, confirmed that Guinness and Dean had eaten dinner together a week before Dean’s death. Bracker was already seated at the restaurant when Guinness, Dean and Moss arrived, and he confirmed that Dean seemed concerned (even pale) as he took his seat.

      Guinness himself was at a loss to explain the experience. He did not consider himself to be a seer. He regarded this premonition as a unique experience.



  2. Wow, these guys have quite a history. I look at the circumstances and feel like Guinness shouldn’t have said what he did and then I look at James and feel like he too should have heeded the warnings given to him. It is very nice to learn a couple of things here. Did James and Alec meet after that night before the accident?

    1. Hi John,

      It’s unlikely that Dean and Guinness were ever in contact again. 

      Dean was dead within a week and we have a pretty good idea of what he was doing during his final days. 

      Moreover, Guinness wrote an autobiography* and I can’t recall any further mention of Dean beyond the evening in question.

      * Guinness, A. (1985).Blessings in disguise. 1st ed. New York. Random House, pp.34-35.



  3. Some time our angels or savior are sent to us as some really small human which we sometimes ignore because they are not all in a white robe and sparkling feathers. I am really sad at the tale of Dean and how he died. As you said, he died without knowing how famous he would be. 

    For me, I have learned to always heed a warning regardless of where it’s coming from. You never can tell who your savior can be.

  4. It is very tragic how James Dean had to die. I think that this is a story that everyone needs to pick a thing or two from because when we are told a warning, we should at least heed to it. I didn’t know anything about the figures of your story because it was a long time ago. Thank you for giving this very awesome insight. I really enjoyed this story. I hope to get some more facts from you.

  5. Interesting article. As a lifelong Alec Guinness fan, I was surprised by this because, as you say, he was a down to earth and sensible person. I don’t think he would have said this if he didn’t really believe it. Thought-provoking and rather moving article, thanks very much for sharing.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and for your kind words.

      Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction. Here is a link to a Daily Mail article which quotes a leading forensic pathologist, Dr. Michael Hunter. 

      Hunter believes that Dean broke his neck in the accident but was still alive as the ambulance raced him to the hospital. 

      Unfortunately, the ambulance crashed en route. Hunter believes that had ambulance officers placed Dean’s neck in a brace, he may have survived. It is possible that the second accident killed Dean.

      It’s a very sad business.



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